Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oktoberfest and Berlin!

So it's been awhile.
Oktoberfest came and went, and it was absolutely ridiculous! So much fun. It's like a massive, colorful, drunken carnival times ten. Everyone wore Dirndls (traditional bavarian dress) and Lederhosen. There was so much beer, it was insane. Each brewery had their own tent and there was maybe 12 or 13 tents. Augustiner was my favorite; it was also the most "German", meaning less obnoxious drunk tourists. Loewenbraeu was nothing but drunk Italians and Americans, and it was not so much fun. But I had a great time at Oktoberfest anyway. The only bad thing about Oktoberfest was that it was right during our Vorsemester, so that meant we had class every day and went to Oktoberfest at night and it just got to be a little out of hand.
We FINALLY finished Vorsemester and went to Berlin last week. That was also amazing. We saw the Berliner Dom, the Berliner Ensemble (Theatre built for Bertold Brecht), the Bundestag, The Fernseherturm, the Judisches Museen, all sorts of really cool things. Crystal, Billy, Alex and I met up with Alex's friend and went to this funky little bridge in Berlin, Admiralbruecke. Apparently, people just bring beer and food and play music and just hang out on the bridge. It was a lot of fun. We also found a lot of cool bars and clubs. One of my favorites was Clash, this bar tucked in a dark alley whose door was covered in posters and it was just really cool. Berlin was a great trip.
Now we have a week off, which is good cuz I'm getting sick and need to recuperate. We start classes next week and I'm excited. Sort of frustrated though, cuz the Germans have the mentality that college students should do most of the work themselves in college, meaning there's no Registrar, there's no webct, there's no sort of system that you can easily go to and track your classes and sign up for them, etc. It's all up to you and you have to run around the University (which is not in one place, by the way; it's all over Munich) and there's multiple methods of signing up for classes. It's just one massive headache. But I think I've got it figured out.
I'm still having a great time out here, but I miss some things about home, especially now that I'm sick and have to take care of myself in a foreign country. German, I've discovered, is not easily spoken with a stuffy nose.
Anyway, I'm out! I promise to write more consisently from now on.
Love from Deutschland!