Thursday, November 5, 2009

Two Month Mark

Today marks the two-month anniversary of my arrival in Germany. That thought blows my mind. It doesn't feel like that long and yet feels so much longer. Time just feels irrelevant I guess. I've loved (almost) every minute of it here.
Things I absolutely love:
  • The chocolate
  • The U-bahn and S-bahn
  • The architecture
  • The history of the city
  • The language (and the fact that I can understand it)
  • Some German music
  • Apfelschorle (carbonated apple juice)
  • Schnitzel
  • Potato wedges
  • Currywurst
  • Augustiner Beer
  • The fashion
  • The mood of Europe
  • Denglisch (the best language in the world for the select few who speak it)
Things I don't like so much:
  • It's damn near impossible to find "American" baking ingredients
  • People have a tendency to speak English with you if they hear it
  • The lack of drinking fountains
  • The lack of Mexican food or proper Salsa
  • The lack of peanut butter
  • There are no true hamburger joints anywhere...
  • No Rootbeer!!! This makes me so sad. :(
  • The banks close around 4:00, which is incredibly inconvenient
  • The fact that the Germans don't dance
For the most part, Germany has been an incredible experience. I've seen Neuschwanstein (the Disney Castle), Schloss Nymphenburg, Regensburg (the city is over 2000 years old and AMAZING; yes, people still live there), The oldest church in Germany (built in 1115? because they couldn't carry the crucifix over the Alps) and so many other cool things. I now can tell you the difference between Barock/Rokoko, Renaissance, Gothic, Classicismus (? English spelling please ?) and love going around the city identifying the different architectural periods.
My German has skyrocketed. I'm amazed at how much easier it is to speak now and how many more words I know. It's true what they say. The best way to learn a language is to live in the country. I just absolutely love Europe and Germany. Right now, when I think about going home, I really don't want to leave. It suits me here and I feel so at home with everything. I love the clothes and the people and the food (mostly) and the language and the lifestyle. I can't believe how lucky I am to be here for a whole year. It's just weird that two months of it have passed already...
This weekend I'm headed to Berlin for the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall, which blows my mind on so many levels. I can't believe a) I'm living where (generally) the Wall was, 2) that the Wall even existed, and 3) that I'm here to celebrate the 2oth Anniverary of it's Fall. Germany as it is now is as old as me. That is such an odd thought.
I miss everyone terribly. My Portland peeps and even those weirdos from SL,UT that I call my friends. :) I miss my family and my puppy.
Hope everyone is doing well and I send my love across the ocean!

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