Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week One

So I've been about a week. It feels like so much longer than that.
It's been amazing. I love Germany and Munich and everything about it. One of my favorite things is the subway system. That sounds weird, but it's so efficient and you can get almost anywhere on it. My German is slowly improving but my English is getting worse at a faster rate, so I don't really speak either language completely right now. It's a weird place to be.
I've met some really cool kids. They seem really chill. Everyone on my program seems cool; it's a good group. I'll be interested to see what happens a few months from now. We've really only been about a week and a half, so I wonder if the initial friendships will stay connected.
Stusta (studenten stadt) is a lot different from dorm life at LC. LMU (the university) is all over Munich, so there's no actual dorms by the American definition. But Stusta is cool. I have my own room and live right next to the U-bahn station, which is really nice in the morning. There's a bar called Tribuehne in Stusta, which is really popular and has good beer and ok food. But no one really goes for the food.
We haven't really explored Munich yet, cuz we have so much class and homework afterwards. But yesterday we went to Neuschwanstein, Lindhof, Ettalkloster, and a whole bunch of other cool places. Neuschwanstein is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. There's so much gold in the interior, it could feed a third-world country for a decade. Lindhof has even more gold, which is funny because it's about a fifth of the size. But both are stunning works of art. I kind of wish I was a king just so I could have a castle built for me in the Alps and then decorated in marble and gold.
I still can't really believe I'm here. It's so normal, I don't really feel like its a foreign country at all. Sometimes I do; like when I go to restuarants and have no idea what the menu says. But most of the time, it feels like home. I love it here.
It's raining right now...which makes me very sad. Oh well. Til next time!


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