Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brain = Mush

I have a computer again! Finally. It's all in German, German keyboard, everything. It's fun trying to figure the inner workings of your computer when you don't know much about computers in your mother tongue. Trying in German is quite a fun challenge. I'm actually really enjoying. My vocabulary is expanding purely out of day-to-day necessity.
Anyway, that is really not important. This week was pretty good, pretty normal. It's become crunch time and my head feels kind of like it did after the AP Exams - like my brain was run through a meat grinder and then squished out my ears and then told to function. These two weeks are gonna suck...
Kunstgeschichte got really interesting this week. We're learning about Artists like Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol and the whole art movement in the 60's. I'm really enjoying. Joseph Beuys was a ridiculous man. Apparently he would give talks to people and during one talk, someone who hated him punched him in the nose and broke it. Beuys didn't react at all, he just kept talking through his profusely bleeding nose and pretended nothing ever happened. Another time, he was in New York for an exhibition and didn't stay in a hotel but instead stayed in a room in the Exhibit with a coyote. Just for kicks. The man was nuts...
Anyway, that's been fun. The other classes are winding down since the semester is almost over. We have class next week and then finals. Oh my god...I have no idea how this happened. How did it get be 2010? How is the semester almost over? Really, the bigger question is, how did I end up in Germany? I know it's a foreign country but it doesn't feel like it most of the time. There are some things that are lacking but mostly, I've adjusted. Sometimes I wake and question where I am and how the hell I got here, but mostly it's just normal. Living in the heart of Europe like this. My German has gotten ridiculously good. Especially in the last two weeks. I don't know why but I feel so much more fluent in the last two weeks than I did before. I really enjoy the feeling.
I'm still really enjoying life here but am ready for the crunch/stress time to be over. Then we go to Italy! It's gonna be crazy! So cool! I don't think I'll realize I'm in Italy until I touch it. In my head Italy is in Europe which is so far away from me, cuz I honestly forget I'm Europe.
I gotta run cuz Jana's over now and I'm going to give my brain a rest. It needs one. Love everyone!

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