Sunday, January 3, 2010


On Sunday we went to Nurnberg. It wasn’t the best day ever which was too bad cuz Nurnberg is actually really cool. It started out well. We woke up early, caught a train, took a historical tour of the city, learned about the architecture, etc. Then we had a 1 ½ hour lunch break and I wandered around the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market). It was fun but my debit card was pissy at me that day so I couldn’t buy any Christmas presents which sucked.
They had these cool little dolls that are made out of dry fruit. Apparently during hard times, parents would make sure that their kids still had toys so they would make dolls out of dried fruit and walnuts. The bodies are dried plums and the heads are walnuts and they have little hats and clothes out of extra fabric. They’re really neat but sadly I couldn’t buy one. I liked them a lot. After the lunch break, we saw the Nazi History Museum. Crazy cool! I mean, really scary and creepy but really cool. It covered Hitler’s coming up, his prison time, how the NS Party really started, and all that stuff. It was cool to read about. It was creepy though cuz we were in the building that Hitler had built to house his original operation. He had entire blue prints and this huge complex planned. It was almost completely finished but then the war ended and a lot of was destroyed. Nurnberg apparently was Hitler’s favorite city, his home base, so there’s a lot of history there. Now the city is trying to “un”connect itself with Hitler and have people associate it with Albrecht Dürer.
During our city tour we saw his (Dürer’s) house and it was really cool! I still can’t entirely believe that I live in Europe and can see these things. I have been in Dürer’s house and seen the house where Johannis Keppler died and it was just blows my mind sometimes.
Anyway, after getting left behind in the museum cuz I misheard the time, I tried to catch the next train back to Munich but it was full so that didn’t work. So then we wandered around the market some more and then finally caught a train back to Munich. It was a really long/fun/interesting/aggravating/annoying day. Finally got home and had to do that homework that I had avoided all weekend. Oops.
Miss you guys!

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