Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmastime in Germany

Germany around Christmastime is one of the most beautiful places on earth. When everything is covered in snow and the Christmas markets are open, it's just amazing. I love it. There hasn't been huge amounts of snow in Munich but there's been enough. Snow just makes everything better. And all the old Gothics buildings and churches and castles look twice as majestic in the snow. Also, Germany LOVES Christmas. In fact, that's kind of an understatement. They did so much for Christmas. There's markets everywhere, all sorts of decorations up, all sorts of yummy candy goodness, and just lots of cool things. All the major cities like Munich, Nurnberg, Regensburg, Stuttgart, etc. have cool markets and their own specialities during Christmas. Gluehwein is my favorite. It's hot, spiced wine but it tastes so good! Just being here during Christmas has been magical. You hear a lot of things about Germany but no ever tells you how beautiful it is over here during this time of year. There's tons of Christmas parties and Christmas themed things.
My program had a little get together before we all went off for break. It was a lot of fun. We had Gluehwein, Chili, candy, and a great Christmas tree. Two of the people that run my program, Ralf and Crystal, got up and did a little poem/toast for us. It was great! Ralf was "der Weihnachtsmann" (Santa) and Crystal was an angel. We then sang Christmas songs (German and English) and just caught up with each other. After that we went to the Kill Bier party (play on "Kill Bill") in Stusta. It was fun. I still had class the next day, Ceramics as usual but it was still fun.
I'm really happy I'm here this time of year. It's amazing. So pretty and festive. It feels great.

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