Sunday, January 3, 2010

Deustches Musuem

To start off, the Deutsches Museum is really cool. I would start off with “Today we went to the Deutsches Museum” but that’s not really true since I’ve been lazy and haven’t updated in awhile. Anyway, it’s crazy cool. They have old planes and cars and engines and the history of electricity and the different types of stages electricity has gone through. It’s kind of like a scientist’s wet dream. It was great.

My favorite part however was the key exhibit. They had all sorts of old keys from the Romans to the Middle Ages and so on. It was so cool! I loved that part. We then wandered further and found the modern part of the museum. That was awesome! They had robots and robotics and had this big moving exhibit that showed different enzymes and how they interact with each other. I didn’t really understand a lot of it but Jana explained it to me so it was good. Also, I learned a very useful phrase. “Auf die Groβe kommt es an.” Translation: Size matters. :)

After spending several peaceful hours there and having a very lazy, relaxing Sunday afternoon, we found a Doener place that was really good. They also had amazing fries! It was a really good day. Jana and I have decided to visit a musuem every Sunday that we can.

Bis spaeter!


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